Monday, April 28, 2008

Bebe on The stupidity of co-workers

I just hate the incompetence of some co-workers, and I use the term co-worker loosely. Some people are just so stupid! They can never remember anything, no matter how many times you tell them. I used to work for a charitable, non-profit organization. I was the only paid employee of the organization in our area. Anyone else who helped out were volunteers. But there wasn't much help from them.
Occasionally, things needed to be purchased for an event or a meeting, and quite often a volunteer/member would lay out their own money. As with any type of company, there are procedures for getting reimbursed. Simple procedures.
There's a form.
One of the members who has been around the organization for years, has had the "procedure" for reimbursement explained to her, many times, by me. She never seems to be able to remember the really simple "procedure" for getting your money back. All you have to do is get a form from me. Fill out the form, get it signed by an officer (one of whom is one of her very close friends so one would think it would not be too difficult to get it signed, right?) of the organization, attach the receipt and hand it to me. If it's a couple of dollars I would pay it right out of petty cash. If it's a larger amount, it goes to our treasurer and she cuts a check.
Does this sound very difficult?
I really can't even begin to count how many times she just walked up to my desk and asked me for money, and she usually did not have the receipt with her. I then re-explained to her that she needs to give me the receipt so the money can be accounted for, duh! She would nod her head "okay" as if it were the first time she was hearing this news.
One time she called me on the phone and asked me to have the Treasurer send her a check for some purchase she had made. A) Why would I have to call? Doesn't she have a mouth? B) It doesn't work that way. C) I had explain the process again while trying to be patient.
Since this idiot doesn't even own a computer, I offered to fax her the form. No fax machine.
I ended up mailing her the fucking form and told her to fill it out and mail it directly to the treasurer. She asked me for the treasurer's address.
You may not think that's a terrible crime, but it is to me. Here's why? Every year, in the fall when the new officers of the organization are appointed, I made a new directory of all the officers names, addresses, phone #s, e-mail address, etc. It takes a good bit of time to prepare and edit. Everybody gets a copy of the directory. I think it would be nice if someone actually looked at the thing. Know what I mean?
I told her she could find the treasurer's address in the directory. She said "oh".
This is an example of the kind of stupidity I used to deal with from these narrow-minded, 60-70-80 somethings. They were some of the stupidist, provincial morons I have ever known. I'm not there anymore. In fact, I'm retired now.